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Update – August 2021

Help Center > Latest Updates > August 2021 Update



Practice EHR is excited to share the August 2021 release. While this release includes many enhancements to assist clients transitioning the desktop EMR version to the cloud based EHR version of Practice EHR, the new features are visible to all Practice EHR clients. Users may also notice subtle color changes within the system that have been made to align with Practice EHR’s new brand image.

1. Scheduling Jump Option.
Many practices schedule follow-up appointments for patients using a set interval (i.e., 2 weeks, 3 months) and this new feature will make it easier to “jump” to that next date on a calendar to schedule the appointment.

These customizable intervals can be added from the Setup Menu. Pathway: Home > Setup > Scheduling Jump Option

The new “Jump To” feature can then be accessed from the Daily or Multi View Calendar as shown below.


2. Macros.
This term is used within Practice EHR software to refer to the text replacement feature where the practice can create a shortcut (i.e. *PHI) and then enter that shortcut within a free text field and the system will replace the shortcut with a longer block of information.

Within the desktop EMR version, the term Macro (record and play) refers to a sequence of steps taken automatically by the system. For example, a macro may have been created to chart a patient’s ROS, PE and order a specific laboratory test using a single macro. Many desktop EMR clients have utilized a macro for charting COVID testing encounters.

These ‘record and play’ macros have been migrated into the Practice EHR software for continuity while desktop clients transfer to the Practice EHR. The feature is activated by selecting “Run Macros” from the action gear icon within the patient’s chart.

Currently, this feature is not available for existing Practice EHR clients.


3. Copayment alert
It is important for the copayment to be posted to the patient’s account before the visit is started. This enhancement includes a flag-based feature that when activated, will notify the user the copayment has not been posted when they are starting the visit from Patients in Office. The copayment must be posted before the visit can be started.

The user can bypass the edit and start the visit from the patient’s chart; however, if the copayment is not linked to the visit before the encounter is marked “Ready to Bill” it will not be associated with the visit or reflected on financial reports accurately.


4. Archived document type.
Documents stored within Practice EHR will be archived at a preset interval. Archived documents can be printed but cannot be changed. This will reduce the need to back-up the same documents repeatedly when changes are rarely made to older documents. An alert will display on the upper right corner of the document to confirm the archived status.


5. Adjustment date.
The date of a financial adjustment can be entered as a future date, but it is now a required field within the system.


6. Web-based Kiosk.
Patients can now be sent paperwork in advance of the appointment through the email on file on their demographic screen. All forms reviewed and signed on the patient’s computer, tablet, or phone will be saved within the patient’s document tab and any clinical intake information will be available within the new visit note for their scheduled appointment.

To use these features:

  • The necessary forms are shared with a Client Service point of contact to be replicated using Jot Forms and loaded onto the Kiosk.
  • Forms can be selected as a default for specific patient types (i.e., new patient, WC/PI) as requested.
  • The specific form(s) the patient should review/sign/complete can also be selected at the point of scheduling the appointment in Practice EHR. In the Appointment Detail window, the default forms will automatically be selected; however, the user can add or remove to this list as needed based on the patient’s appointment type.

  • With this release, the system will automatically send these forms to the patient’s email on their demographic screen. Patient forms can also be resent by selecting “Send Kiosk Email” from the blue dropdown arrow next to the patient’s appointment slot on the Daily Calendar view.

  • A link to access the forms will be sent to the patient’s email. The sender will be shown as the practice name for easy identification; however, it is not uncommon for the mail to be delivered to SPAM or the junk folder. Note: It can take up to ten (10) minutes for the email to be sent and received.
  • Once the patient clicks the link provided, they will be directed to the web-based Kiosk and each requested form will be available for the patient to review/sign/complete. The patient will also be asked to verify basic demographic information and insurance coverage. Any updates or changes to these fields will be updated within Practice EHR automatically.


7. Enforce Last Seen Date.
A flag-based feature is now available for Podiatry or other specialties required to include the date the patient was last seen by a primary care provider on their claim forms. The practice can submit a ticket or reach out to Client Services activate this feature against the designated podiatry service codes.

The Last Seen Date can be entered on the patient’s insurance screen and the information will be carried forward onto the claim form. If this information is not entered here but is entered on the HPI, the information can still populate on the claim form.

If the Last Seen Date (entered in the History section of the template) is inconsistent with the insurance screen, an edit will also display when the note is marked “Ready to Sign” to alert the provider of the missing information.


8. Print Fax Received report.
This release includes the option to print the list of faxes received from the General Reports tab within the system. This is consistent with the printing options for other reports.

Additional minor changes have been made to address the –

  • Pagination within the Patient Tracker Board;
  • Names of the labels when importing a chart;
  • Need to separate “+ New Visit” and “+ New Encounter” buttons from within assigned Menu Roles;
  • Design software used for creating custom reports. The new software will reduce the turnaround time for custom reports;
  • Design software used for replicating forms also reducing the production time; clients may also participate in creating some of their own forms with a JotForm account.
  • Broken image icon when importing images into a progress note;
  • Number of characters required for the NDC field within the CPT Setup; and
  • Presentation of the patient’s age in month/years on the Patient List within the Clinical Reports. Previously the age was shown in just months as required by compliance. This standard report can now also be filtered by Active or Inactive patients.