Practice EHR is excited to share an overview of enhancements to the patient payment process, as a result of our new integration with Global Payments Integrated. More information about this new integration will be available in the next few weeks for users who are interested in the new integrated payments features (see # 1 – 4). These updates streamline the patient payment process to help you work more seamlessly and efficiently. In addition, we’ve made additional enhancements to the Practice EHR scheduling system that will further improve the efficiency of your workflow (# 5 – 8). Finally, a new faxing report has been added for progress note addendums (#9) and new billing updates have been added to the system to accommodate Medicare’s allowed fees (#10) and specialty-specific requirements (#11). A new ledger has also been added under patient documents to help track the explanation of benefits (EOBs) (#12) and incident-to reporting is now supported within the visit detail (#13). If you have any questions about these enhancements, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
1. ACH and all major payment types now accepted: Practice EHR now supports automated clearing house (ACH) and all major payment types. Both EMV (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa) and magnetic stripe credit cards will be accepted.
2. New payment flow for ACH and credit card transactions:
ACH Transactions
When selecting ACH from the payment type dropdown, additional fields will be visible like routing number, account number, etc. Users are required to fill in additional fields and click the “Add Payment” button to make the payment.
Credit Card Transactions
A new “Payment Methods” dropdown will appear when selecting “Credit Card” from the payment type. Users will have the option to add a new card or select a card that was previously saved. To add a new card, select “New Card” from the dropdown and a window will open up to add card details. Add the required details and click “Make Payment” to apply the charge. For existing credit cards, users can choose the card and proceed with posting the payment. Please note, the screenshot below illustrates the workflow from the patient encounter. The layout may vary when using the payment option from the Financial tab.
When making an EMV transaction, users must select the new “Card Reader” checkbox before making the transaction.
3. Save a credit card for future use: Users now have the option to save credit card information. Select the “Save Card” checkbox to add and save credit card details in the system. The saved credit card will appear in the “Payment Methods” dropdown. Please note, the screenshot below illustrates the workflow from the patient encounter. The layout may vary when using the payment option from the Financial tab.
4. New process for voiding/refunding transactions: If a payment has been posted in error, it can be voided or refunded by doing an adjustment.
ACH Payment Adjustment
After payment has been made via ACH you can process a refund. Select the payment from the ledger entries, click “Adjust Entry” and a window will appear with the option to refund. Select “Refund”, click “Save” and the refund will be made.
Credit Card Payment Adjustment
After payment has been made, users can void or process a refund. Select the payment from the ledger entries, click “Adjust Entry” and a window will appear with the option to refund or void. Select refund or void, click “Save” and the adjustment will be made.
5. Scheduling calendar updated: The Scheduling tab has been enhanced to show the appointment status of the patient including, “Check In”, “Check Out” and “In Progress”. Pathway: Scheduling > Calendar > “Status” column. This status will also show within the Appointment Display window.
6. Cancel Appointment added to Appointment Detail window: Users can now cancel scheduled appointments from the Appointment Detail window. This option will only exist for those patients not yet checked in. Pathway: Scheduling > Calendar > View Appointment Detail window > Cancel Appointment button will appear as shown below.
7. Delete appointment slot option added: Users will now be able to delete appointment slots from the Search tab within the Scheduling module. Similar to deleting a master schedule, this new option will unlink the appointments that were booked in the deleted slots. These can be rescheduled from the Unlinked Appointment window if need be. Pathway: Scheduling > Search > Searched schedule > Select appointment and select delete slot from the action menu.
8. Multi Provider View schedule updated: The multi view option on the Calendar has been enhanced to allow users to filter by a specific provider prior to switching back to the daily view by simply clicking a provider name in the multiview window. This would automatically fill the provider menu to the left with their name. Pathway: Scheduling > Calendar > Multi View > Headers will appear as shown below.
9. Faxing addendums added in visit: Prior to this change, after the visit was signed off and the consult letters were faxed, the addendums to the progress note were not shown in reports. Now when the consult letter is faxed, the addendum will also appear in the document under the Fax Sent Report. Pathway: Reports > Fax Sent > Select and open the record.
10. “Medicare Allowed Calc” added in Plan: A new “Medicare Billing Calc” checkbox has been added to the Plan window in the Setup tab. When this box is checked, Medicare’s allowed fee for the charges will be used when creating an encounter of a patient. Prior to this change, only users with Medicare insurance were able to get the allowed fee based on the respective insurance fee schedule. Pathway: Setup > Plan > Click on the name and the Plan window.
11. “Apply KX Modifier” option added in Plan for PT/OT specialty: An “Apply KX Modifier” checkbox has been added in the Plan Extra Info window for physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) specialties. When the “Apply KX Modifier” and “Medicare Claim Flag” are checked, the system will add the KX modifier when charges exceed the Medicare capitation amount for PT, OT and Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) charges. This ensures the insurance requirement for the billed payments is met and helps in getting further payments from a patient’s secondary plan. Pathway: Setup > Plan > Choose a plan > Plan window will open > Click “Extra Info” and the new checkbox will appear.
12. Ledger tab added under Patient Documents: A Ledger tab has been added under Patient Documents where users will now be able to see all paper EOBs for manual payment posted under payment batches. Pathway: Patient > Documents > Ledger
13. “Incident-to” Reporting supported within the Visit Detail: Users are able to switch the name of the performing mid-level (NP, PA) to the supervising provider when the Medicare “Incident-to” requirements have been met. Pathway: Patient > Chart > Encounter. Checking “Incident-To,” and then updating the Supervising Provider field, will generate the claim under the name and NPI of the supervising provider.
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